Glen of the High North Page 13
Glen West Lodge, the name of this fine building on the shore of thatinland lake, was a comfortable and cozy abode. The rooms were notlarge, but their furnishings and decorations showed the artistic tasteof the owner. The pictures adorning the walls had evidently beenchosen with careful discrimination, most of them representing naturescenes, with a few well known paintings of the world of civilization.Each room contained a fire-place, and over the mantel of thelivingroom, which opened off the hallway, was Watt's symbolical figureof "Hope." Glen had often seen her father standing before this,studying it most intently. Once he had told her its meaning. "You seethat woman sitting on the top of the world," he had said. "The stringsof her harp are all broken but one, and upon that she is making thebest music she can. It teaches us, Glen, never to despair, but withthe one string of limited power to do our best."
In one corner of this room was a piano, and the piece of modern musicabove the key-board showed that someone had been recently playing. Alamp of neat design hung from the wainscoted ceiling, while anotherwith a soft shade stood upon a centre-table. The chairs in the roomwere comfortable, the largest being placed near the big southernwindow, close to which was a case well filled with books. The floorwas covered with a rich carpet, of a quiet pattern, while before thefire-place was stretched a great bearskin rug. It was a room todelight the heart, especially on a night when a storm was raging overthe land.
It was through this that Glen passed after entering the house. Shewent at once into the dining-room, adjoining, where she found the tableall set for supper, and a white-haired woman standing before theside-board, arranging knives and forks in a drawer. She turned as Glenentered, and a bright smile of welcome illumined her face.
"You are late, dear," she reminded. "Supper has been ready for sometime."
"I am sorry, Nannie," the girl apologized. "But I went farther to-daythan I intended. There is no word from daddy, I suppose?"
"None at all, dearie. But, hurry and change your clothes, as yourfather may arrive at any minute. He will be angry if he knows that youhave been far beyond the Golden Crest, for he has warned you to becareful. It is not safe for a girl to be riding alone since the minershave come into this region."
Glen smiled gaily at the woman's fears, and hastened away to her ownroom. In about a quarter of an hour she returned, but in that briefspace of time a marvellous transformation had taken place. In a softwhite dress, open at the throat, her beauty was enhanced ten-fold. Herluxuriant wavy hair had been hurriedly brushed back, and her cheeksbore the deep flush of health and youth. The woman at the head of thetable looked at her with undisguised admiration as she passed her apiece of nicely browned fried salmon which an Indian servant girl hadbrought in from the kitchen.
"It is too bad that your father isn't here to see you, Glen," sheremarked. "I never saw you look prettier. If we were outside, I mightsuspect that the color in your cheeks is not due to health and exercisealone."
"I am afraid you are flattering me, Nannie," Glen laughingly replied."You will make me vain, if you are not careful."
"I am not in the habit of flattering without good reason, as you wellknow, dear. But I have been thinking lately what a great pity it isthat you should be wasting your young life in a place like this."
"Losing my sweetness on the desert air; is that it, Nannie? But whatabout you?"
"Oh, I do not signify," and again the sad expression came into thewoman's eyes. "I might as well be here as anywhere else. But with youit is different. You need companions of your own age, and a moreagreeable life than this place can provide."
"I certainly do," was the emphatic assent. "I never realised it untilmy return from the Seminary. What is the use of all my education if Iam to spend the rest of my days here, with not a girl friend, and nota----"
Glen floundered and paused, while her cheeks flushed a deep crimson.
"I understand, dear, so do not try to explain. It is only natural thatyou should wish to be admired. I was the same when I was your age.But you cannot expect to find admirers up here, that is, the rightkind, and especially the one above all others."
Glen looked keenly into her companion's eyes, as if to divine hermeaning. But she saw nothing there which might lead her to suspectthat the secret of her heart was known.
"Do you think that daddy will ever consent to leave this place?" sheasked. "I have not spoken to him about it, for I was quite satisfiedwith this life until recently."
"I have mentioned it to him," was the reply. "Ever since you were achild I have been urging him to leave the north, for your sake, if fornothing else. He always said that he expected to do so some day, buthere we are the same as ever, and I see no signs of his going."
"I wonder what in the world daddy ever came here for, anyway?"
"Why, for trading purposes, of course. He has done wonderfully well,and understands the Indians better than any white man in this country.You know they will do anything for him, because he is so fair and justin all his dealings."
"Yes, I know that, Nannie. But daddy never goes outside, and he willnot allow white men to come here. You know as well as I do that heturns the Indians upon every white stranger who comes across the GoldenCrest or by water. Daddy never mentioned it to me, but both Sconda andKlota have told me how the miners fear this place, and think that daddyis a terrible monster. When I asked them what became of the white menwho ventured here, they wouldn't tell me, but looked at each other in aqueer way. There is something mysterious about it all, and it haspuzzled me ever since I was able to understand anything."
"There, dearie, never mind worrying your brain about it now," hercompanion soothed. "You are too young to have wrinkles in your smoothskin. Play that nice piece you were singing before you left to-day. Inever heard it before, and it did me so much good. The piano has beenidle all winter, so it must make up for lost time now."
Glen told Nannie nothing about her experiences that afternoon. She wasafraid that this woman, gifted with more than ordinary insight, mightread her heart. It made her feel somewhat guilty, nevertheless, forNannie was the only mother she had ever known, and she lay awake a longtime that night thinking it all over, and wondering whether she shouldtell her secret to the one woman in the world in whom she shouldconfide. She had studied herself more carefully than usual in herlarge mirror before retiring, and what she beheld there was far fromdispleasing. She knew that she was beautiful, and her heart told herthat her brave rescuer had looked upon her with admiration. Should sheever see him again? she asked herself, or had he already forgotten her?
Glen awoke early the next morning, and after breakfast she went down tothe store. Here she learned that Sconda and a dozen men had gone toDeep Gulch after the grizzly. Formerly, women would have done most ofthe heavy work, but the ruler of Glen West had changed all that. Themen did not take kindly to this at first, but Jim Weston had been firm.
"If you do not like this order of things, you can go elsewhere," hetold them. "Women are not going to do men's work here. You bring thegame into camp, and then let your wives attend to it."
Thus the custom of the men bringing in the bear or moose becameestablished, and no one left, for the objectors knew that they were farbetter off at Glen West than they had ever been in their lives, andthat it was to their advantage to obey their Big White Chief, as theycalled Weston.
Glen waited impatiently for the men's return, and the hours draggedslowly by until their arrival about the middle of the afternoon. Theyhad skinned the bear, and cutting up the carcass, they had strapped thepieces upon their horses. They rode gaily into camp, and most of theinhabitants of the place were gathered around the store to acclaimtheir arrival. All had heard of the wonderful shot across Deep Gulch,and they were naturally curious to see the monster which had dared toface the Big Chief's daughter. There was the certainty, too, of freshmeat, which added much to the interest.
a, however was not with the returned men, and Glen was greatlydisappointed. Her rescuer, then, had not come back to the gulch, so heevidently had no more thought for her. She had imagined that he wouldbe anxious to obtain the grizzly's fine skin as a souvenir of hismeeting with her. At first she was tempted to ride forth towardCrooked Trail and await Sconda's return, but changing her mind, shelaunched her light canoe, and was soon skimming out over the water ofthe big lake. She generally took an Indian girl, or Sconda with her.But now she wished to be alone, that she might think as she drifted orpaddled.
For over an hour she remained on the water, and when she returned,Sconda was waiting for her on the shore. Her face brightened as shesaw him, and she at once questioned him about her rescuer.
"Did you see him?" she asked.
"Ah, ah. Sconda see white man."
"And did he see you?"
"Ah, ah."
"Oh! Did he stay long at Deep Gulch?"
A shake of the head was the native's only response.
"Did he seem surprised when he found that the grizzly was gone?" Glenasked. "Did he look up Crooked Trail as if expecting to see someonethere?"
"White man act queer," the Indian explained. "He stay on big hillwatching trail. He saw Sconda once."
"What did he do?"
"Nothing," and the Indian's eyes twinkled. "Sconda leave quick."
"And you didn't see him again?"
"Sconda come to Glen West. White man go to Big Draw, maybe."
Although Glen was not altogether satisfied at what Sconda told her, yetit was some comfort to know that her rescuer had returned to DeepGulch, and stayed there for a while watching the trail as if expectingto see someone. And was that someone herself? she wondered. She hadthe feeling that it was, and the thought pleased her.
Glen now found the life at Glen West more irksome than ever. Shemissed her companions of the Seminary and the excitement of the city.She did not even have her father, for several days had now passed sincehis expected return. She had no idea what was keeping him, and shenaturally became very anxious. Several times she discussed his delaywith Nannie.
"Did you ever know daddy to stay away as long as this?" she asked oneevening as they sat at supper.
"I have known him to be away much longer," was the reply. "Once he wasgone for a whole month. He is prospecting for gold, you know, and goesfar off at times."
"But he has never discovered anything, has he?"
"Nothing of great value as yet, although he is always expecting to doso some day. You need not worry about him, dearie, for he is well ableto take care of himself, and I understand that an Indian always keepsin touch with him. He has a comfortable cabin out in the hills wherehe sleeps at night."
"Well, I wish to goodness he would come home," and Glen gave a deepsigh. "He might think of me, and how much I need him. If he doesn'tcome soon, I shall pack up and go outside again. I believe a trip toWhitehorse would do me good, for I am tired of staying here withnothing to do."
"Your father would not like it," her companion reminded. "He would bevery angry if he came home and found that you had left Glen West. Whynot take a spin on the lake this evening? You once were very fond ofthe boat."
"I suppose I might as well go," and again Glen sighed as she rose fromthe table and looked out of the window. "Sconda is on the wharf now,and that will save my going after him. Won't you come, too, Nannie? Aspin will do you good."
"Not this evening," was the reply. "Your father may come at anyminute, and it would not do for both of us to be away from the house."
Sconda's eyes brightened as Glen came down to the wharf and asked himto take her out upon the water. _The Frontiersman_, the name of themotor-boat, was the pride of Sconda's heart. When he had beenappointed captain of the craft, his highest ambition was reached.This, together with the fact that he was the special guardian of theBig Chief's daughter, gave him a high standing in the camp. No oneknew the waters of the north better than did he, and Jim Weston's mindwas always easy when Glen was with him.
In a few minutes _The Frontiersman_ was cutting through the water outinto the open. Sconda was at the wheel, with Glen by his side, whileTaku, an Indian with special mechanical gifts, looked after the engine.
"Which way?" Sconda at length asked, after they had run out of thesheltered creek into the main body of water.
"Up-stream," Glen replied. "Daddy came down the Tasan once on a raft,and he had a hard time getting home. He may be coming that way now, sowe may be able to pick him up."
Sconda at once gave the wheel a sharp turn to the left, and the boatswinging obediently to its master's will, rushed rapidly forward. Astiff breeze was now blowing dead ahead, and this Glen thoroughlyenjoyed. It suited her nature, especially this evening, and she longedfor a tempest to sweep upon them. Adventure and excitement she dearlyenjoyed, and she had often bewailed the fact that she was a woman andnot a man.
"Women are supposed to be demure quiet creatures," she had more thanonce declared. "They are not supposed to run any risks, but must staysafely in the house. That may satisfy some, but it does not suit me."
Her father and Nannie had always smiled at these outbursts ofimpatience, thinking that as she grew older her mind would change, andshe would see things in a different light. But Glen did not change,and the longing for adventure was as strong in her heart now as ever.The sweep of the wind this evening not only tossed her hair butthrilled her very being, and for the first time since her return homeshe felt how good it was to live in such a place.
For about half an hour they sped onward, with the wind steadilyincreasing.
"Big blow soon," Sconda casually remarked, as he glanced at the heavyclouds massing over the mountains. Then he gave a start, and peeredkeenly forward. His eyes had caught sight of something unusual.
"What's that?" he asked, pointing to the left.
Glen's eyes followed his outstretched arm, and presently she wasenabled to detect a dark object upon the water.
"It's only a stick, isn't it, Sconda?"
"No; it's a raft," was the reply. "There's something on it."
"Oh; maybe it's daddy!" Glen exclaimed, now thoroughly aroused. "Makethe boat go faster. He will be swamped by these waves!"
The boat, however, was running at full speed, and in short time theywere able to view the object more clearly. It was certainly a raft,and the form upon it looked like a human being. Glen almost stoppedbreathing as they drew nearer. Could it be her father? she askedherself. Who else would be out there on the lake?
As the boat slowed down and ran close to the raft, Sconda called aloudto the figure huddled upon the logs. But there was no reply. The windwas tossing the rags which once were clothes, and the waves werespeedily breaking the rude craft asunder. There was no time to lose,so in another minute Sconda had the boat close alongside, and with theaid of Taku the helpless man was lifted from his perilous position.
When Glen saw that the rescued man was not her father, she breathedmore freely. But the first glimpse of his face, bearded though it was,reminded her of someone she had seen before. Then the light ofrecognition leaped into her eyes, and with a cry of surprise shedropped upon her knees by the side of the prostrate man as he lay uponthe deck.
Almost instantly the impending storm burst with terrible fury over thatinland body of water. The raft went to pieces like matchwood, andSconda had all that he could do to manage the boat. With theassistance of Taku, the unconscious man was carried inside, and as Glenwatched by his side, unable to do anything for his relief, the tempestraged without. It was one of those terrific storms which at timessweep down so suddenly from deep mountain draws, and lash the lake inwildest fury. _The Frontiersman_ reeled and plunged as she struggledthrough the hurricane, and the waves dashed continuously over the deck,threatening to smash the glass in the cabin where Glen was keepingwatch. That large lake, so peaceful at morn, was now a raging monster.Many an unwary voyager had been caught in such a storm, an
d in bygonedays the natives always used their stoutest charms in their efforts topropitiate the demon of the mountains.
Sconda's hands firmly grasped the wheel, and his alert eyes studiedevery wave as he guided the boat on her plunging course. He realisedhow much was at stake, for was not his master's daughter on board, andhe responsible for her safety? Could he have run straight before thegale, it would not have been so difficult. But the creek was overthere to the right, hence it was necessary to run in a diagonal mannerwhich caused the boat to ship a great deal of water. But keep thissteadfast course he did, and after a desperate struggle, _TheFrontiersman_ poked her nose into the opening of the creek, and wassoon gliding calmly over the smooth water within.