Glen of the High North Page 19
The master of Glen West was sitting at his desk as Reynolds entered.He was smoking, and at the same time reading a newspaper in which hewas deeply interested. The latter he at once laid aside, and motionedhis visitor to a chair. He then picked up a box of cigars lying near.
"Do you smoke?" he asked. "If so, you will enjoy these. They are aspecial brand."
"Thanks," Reynolds replied, as he lifted one from the box, andproceeded at once to light it. This reception was so different fromwhat he had expected that he hardly knew what to think. Anyway, thefirst move was favorable, and that was a good token.
"You left me very abruptly last night," Weston charged, looking keenlyat the young man.
"I certainly did," and Reynolds smiled. "But sometimes there is avirtue in abruptness, especially----"
"Especially what?" Weston queried, as Reynolds hesitated. "Go on."
"When a situation becomes tense and awkward."
"And you think it was so last night?"
"I am sure of it."
"What is your reason?"
"My own common sense."
Weston was silent for a few seconds, and puffed steadily at his cigar.Reynolds watching him out of the corner of his eye, wondered what waspassing through his mind.
"Have the Indians been telling you anything?" Weston presently asked.
"About what?"
"Curly, and what happened to him?"
"Nothing. Didn't I tell you so last night?"
"I know you did, but I can hardly believe it. Are you sure?"
"I am positive. They were as silent and mysterious as the Sphinx. Youdeserve great credit, sir, for the way you have them trained."
This seemed to relieve Weston, and he even smiled.
"I was afraid they had been telling you something, but I am thankful toknow that they can be trusted. But, see here, someone must have toldyou. Was it Glen or Nannie?"
"Oh, no; they are not to blame."
"Well, then, how in the world did you find out?"
"And so I was right?" Reynolds asked.
Weston removed the cigar from his mouth, and looked curiously at hisvisitor.
"Were you not sure?" he queried.
"Not at all," and Reynolds laughed. "I was not sure last night, thoughI am now."
A sudden cloud overspread Weston's face, which, passed away, however,almost instantly.
"I wish I had known this sooner, young man. You would not have got offso easily, let me tell you that. I was positive that you understoodeverything. But tell me, what led you to suspect the truth aboutCurly?"
"That you had not burned him alive?"
Reynolds deliberately removed the band from his cigar, and laid itcarefully in the ash-tray. He was enjoying Weston's perplexity, whichhe believed was a new experience for this autocrat of Glen West. Whata story he would have to tell his old friend Harmon. The editor wouldsurely forgive him for going on what he called "a wild-goose chase,"instead of searching for the missing Henry Redmond. What a write-upall this would make for his paper.
"Did you hear what I said?" Weston's voice was somewhat impatient.
"I beg your pardon," Reynolds apologized. "My mind was wool-gathering.You asked what led me to suspect the truth about Curly, did you not?"
"I did."
"Well, apart from yourself, and what I saw in you, there were fourthings which influenced my judgment. I only thought of one until I metyou last night."
"And what are they?" Weston was keenly interested.
"First of all, I could not imagine that a man would burn a fellow-beingalive who kept that near him," and Reynolds motioned to a book lyingupon the desk.
Weston turned, and his face brightened.
"Oh, you mean the Bible. So that was one of your reasons, eh? But doyou not know that the deepest-dyed villain often keeps the Bible closeat hand? Such a man is generally fearful as well as superstitious, andso considers the Bible as a charm to ward off evil. It has been said,you remember, that the devil himself can quote Scripture for his ownpurpose. I venture to say that his satanic majesty knows the Biblebetter than many professing Christians. It is necessary for him to doso in order to answer the arguments it sets forth. Perhaps that is theway with me. Anyway, we shall dismiss that evidence as faulty. Whatnext?"
"Your daughter, sir. I cannot believe that any man is a downrightvillain who is fortunate enough to have such a daughter."
"I see, I see," and Weston stroked his heavy moustache. "Did you notsay something of a similar nature last night? But are you aware that aman may have a noble daughter, and still be a villain? Facts ofhistory bear out what I say, unless I am greatly mistaken."
"That may have been true in some cases, sir," Reynolds replied."However, I am not concerned about the past, but the present only. Nomatter what you may say to the contrary, you will not convince me. Andbesides, there is something else which hinges upon this reason."
"And what is that?"
"You are very fond of your daughter, are you not?"
"Certainly. She is all I have in the world, and she is dearer to methan life itself."
"Just so," and Reynolds smiled. "And for her sake, at least, you wouldnot dare to burn any man alive."
"Wouldn't dare! Why not?"
"Simply because you would be hunted down as a murderer, and hung. Why,the Mounted Police would have had you in their clutches long beforethis."
"They would, eh? What do I care about law? Am I not a law untomyself?"
"In a way you are, so long as you do not commit any crime. But eventhough you might not care about yourself, you would not dare to doanything wrong for your daughter's sake. She means so much to you,that you would not dare to commit any desperate act for fear ofdisgracing her. Is not that so?"
Weston made no reply, but sat looking intently into Reynolds' face.
"There is another reason," the latter continued, "to which I feelcertain you can make no objection, and it is _that_."
He pointed as he spoke to a framed picture hanging above the desk. Itwas the face of a woman of remarkable beauty, and closely resemblingGlen, although somewhat older.
Weston, too, looked, and as he did so his face underwent a marvelloustransformation. He tried to control himself, but in vain. Risingsuddenly to his feet, he paced rapidly up and down the room. Once hestopped and fixed his eyes upon the picture. At length he turnedtoward his visitor.
"It is true. It is true," he declared, almost fiercely. "To yourother reasons I could make some defence, but not to this. I would notdare to do anything wrong for my dear dead wife's sake. Her memory ismost precious. Young man, you have hit me hard."
He paused and looked again at the picture. Then he sank down upon hischair, and buried his face in his hands.
Reynolds rose and was about to leave the room, when Weston lifted hishead.
"Don't go yet," he ordered, endeavoring to control himself. "I amsomewhat unnerved this morning. There is something more I wish to sayto you. It is years since I have talked to anyone as I have to you.Sit down and tell me what you are going to do."
"That remains with you, sir," Reynolds replied, as he resumed his seat.
"With me! It remains with me! I do not understand."
"Am I not your prisoner, sir? It is not what I am going to do, butwhat you are going to do to me."
"Ah, yes, quite true," and Weston was silent for a few seconds. "Butsuppose you are given your freedom, what then?" he asked.
"I should go at once in search of my old friend, Frontier Samson," wasthe decided reply. "He must be greatly concerned about mydisappearance, and no doubt he is still seeking for me out in thehills."
"And should you find him----?"
"We would at once visit the gold mine I discovered when I was lost."
"What! did you discover gold? Where?"
"On that last ridge before I reached the ri
ver," Reynolds explained."I took shelter in a cave from a furious storm, and there found moregold than I ever expected to see in my whole life. The walls of thecave are full of it, and it seems to be of the best quality."
"Do you think you can find the place again?" Weston asked.
"I believe so," and Reynolds briefly described the situation.
"I know it! I know it!" Weston exclaimed. "It is the highest peak onthat ridge between here and the Tasan. The side this way is very steepand rocky, is it not?"
"Yes, and the summit is bare. It was there I had a desperate fightwith an eagle, killed it, and carried off its eggs, which saved mylife. From the high point I caught the first glimpse of the river."
"And suppose you find the gold, what then?" Weston asked.
"Oh, I shall take my share of it, of course."
"And after that?"
"I am not altogether sure. But there is one thing I should do beforeundertaking anything else. In fact, I am almost pledged to it. Harmonwill never forgive me if I don't."
"Harmon, did you say?" Weston questioned. "I once knew a man by thatname."
"It is Harmon, editor and principal owner of the _Vancouver Telegram_and _Evening News_. He has been a father to me, and is greatlyinterested in my welfare. He has a hobby which I call 'a wild-goosescheme,' and he thinks that I am the only one who can carry it out. Heis not the Harmon you knew, I suppose?"
Weston did not at once reply, but sat staring straight before him as ifhe saw something strange in the wall. His bronzed face had a peculiarpallid color, and his eyes expressed wonder and incredulity. He wasforced to keep his hands clasped before him, so great was his emotion.Reynolds watched him curiously, but said nothing.
"And what is Harmon's hobby?" Weston at length found voice to enquire.
"Oh, a pet scheme for the finding of a man who disappeared years ago."
"And the man's name?" Weston was once more calm.
"Henry Redmond, so he told me. He was a prominent business man, butafter the death of his wife he mysteriously vanished, and left no traceof his whereabouts."
"Strange, was it not?" Weston queried, as he furtively eyed the youngman. "Perhaps he is dead."
"That is what I suggested to Harmon, but he would not entertain theidea at all."
"Did he give any reason for his belief that the man is alive?"
"He showed me a clipping taken from a paper years ago. These are thewords which I committed to memory:
"'I go from the busy haunts of men, far from the worry and bustle ofbusiness life. I may be found, but only he who is worthy will find me,and whoever finds me, will, I trust, not lose his reward. From theloop-holes of retreat I shall watch the stress and fever of life, butshall not mingle in the fray.'"
"Was there any name signed to that?" Weston asked, when Reynolds hadfinished.
"I understand there was none."
"Why, then, does your friend Harmon imagine that it refers to Redmond?"
"Because it appeared immediately after the man's disappearance, andHarmon told me it was just like Redmond to do such a thing."
"It is all mere conjecture, then?"
"It is."
"And upon the strength of that your friend, would have you undertakethe wild-goose adventure, as you term it. What are his reasons?"
"He wishes me to find an outlet for my restless spirit; to satisfy hisown curiosity; and finally, to have a series of special articles forhis paper."
"What! Does Harmon want you to write a full account of your adventure,and all about the missing man should you find him?"
"It seems so, though I guess he will have to wait a long time. I mustfirst of all find Frontier Samson, and get that gold. Then, perhaps,something else may interfere with Harmon's plans."
"Yes, yes, you must find the old prospector and get the gold," Westonagreed. "But you will need assistance. I know the region as well asany man, and I have a comfortable cabin in the hills. Allow me to gowith you to direct your search."
Reynolds' eyes opened wide with amazement, and he stared at Weston asif he had not heard aright. Could it be possible that this man, thestern ruler of Glen West, and Glen's father, was really offering toassist him? Weston divined his thoughts, and smiled.
"I know you are astonished," he told him. "But, you see, I am not yetbeyond the lure of gold, and should we find that mine, there might besomething in it for me. We might go partners, eh?"
"That would be great," Reynolds replied with enthusiasm. "But we mustnot leave the old prospector out."
"Oh, no, that would never do. We shall see that he gets his share,providing we find him. I am really anxious to be off at once," andWeston rose as he spoke.
"When shall we start?" Reynolds asked.
"In a couple of days, if that will suit you. It will not take long tomake the necessary arrangements for the trip, and we shall take twoIndians to look after our welfare."
Weston was almost like a boy in his excitement, and Reynolds couldhardly believe him to be the same man he had faced the night before.
"You may go and tell Glen about our proposed trip," Weston said. "Shemust be wondering what we are talking so long about."
"And will she go too?" Reynolds eagerly asked.
"Certainly. It would not do to leave her behind. She would be veryangry if we did. And, besides, she must have a share in that mine.Ho, ho, there will be four of us on the ground-floor, all right, andthe rest can have what we leave, providing there is any. Hurry away,now, and tell Glen to get ready. It generally takes a woman two orthree days to prepare for a journey."