Glen of the High North Read online

Page 25



  It seemed to Glen as if the morning would never wear away as she satand guarded her prisoner. The severe strain was showing its effectupon her face, which was unusually pale. Her eyes never once left theman before her, and the revolver, as it rested lightly upon her lap,was pointed straight toward him, ready for immediate action. She wouldnot allow Curly to speak, and whenever he made the attempt she sternlychecked him and menacingly raised her weapon of authority. Her brainwas very active, and her thoughts were by no means happy ones. Supposeher father and lover should be shot ere Sconda could do anything, whatwould be the outcome? she asked herself. She was well aware thatSconda and Natsu would be more than a match for Dan, but he mightescape and get back to the cabin first. Her face became stern as shethought of this, and she made up her mind what she would do. She coulddeal with Curly all right, and settle his account. She would then haveonly Dan to face. Anyway, she was determined that she would never fallinto the hands of those two villains so long as her revolver held trueand while the last cartridge remained.

  And thus she retained her post through the slow morning hours. The sunrode high in the heavens and beat upon her throbbing head. Birdsflitted and sang around her, and squirrels chattered and scolded amongthe trees. Would Sconda never return? she wondered. What could bekeeping him! At times she felt that she could endure the strain nolonger, but when she realised how much was at stake she always nervedherself by a mighty effort.

  Curly watched Glen's every movement, and seeing how weary she wasbecoming trusted to catch her off guard, spring forward, strike therevolver from her hand, and seize her in his arms before she couldshoot. This was his only hope, but whenever he was on the point ofmaking the desperate attempt, the stern word of command and theslightly lifted weapon caused him quickly to desist. Glen seemed todivine his purpose, and always checked him in time.

  So desperate did Curly at length become that he decided to throw allcaution to the wind. He was very anxious over Dan's tardiness inreturning, and feared lest his scheme had failed. He knew full wellthat if Jim Weston should suddenly appear and find him in such anembarrassing situation it would go hard with him. It would be death,anyway, without any chance of defending himself. He knew how furiousWeston would be at the attempt made not only upon his own life but uponhis daughter's honor. The perspiration poured in great beads down hisface as he thought of this. Glen saw his agitation, and attributed itto the heat of the sun and weariness. She little knew what was passingthrough the villain's mind. And, in fact, she never learned, for atthis critical moment Sconda bounded from the forest and stood by herside. A cry of joy escaped Glen's lips as she beheld her deliverer andknew that she was saved.

  In a twinkling Sconda grasped the situation, and with a terrible roarof rage be brought his rifle to his shoulder and would have shot Curlywhere he stood, had not Glen leaped to her feet and laid her handfirmly upon the smooth barrel.

  "Don't shoot!" Curly yelled, wild with terror, ere Glen could say aword. "Fer God's sake, let me go!"

  But the enraged Indian was not easily diverted from his purpose, and itwas only with much difficulty that Glen was able to make him listen toreason.

  "Curly bad," he argued. "Curly all same black bear. Ugh!"

  "I know that, Sconda," Glen agreed. "But I want you to mind me now,and let him go. Search him, and take his gun."

  Very reluctantly Sconda obeyed, and in a few seconds he was holding inhis hand Curly's revolver and a big, sharp, dangerous knife.

  "There, I feel safer now," and Glen breathed a deep sigh of relief."Take him away, Sconda," she ordered. "I want to get him out of mysight."

  As Sconda seized the wretch roughly by the arm, and was about to hurryhim away, Curly emitted a cry of fear, and turned toward Glen.

  "He'll kill me!" he yelled. "I can see it in his eyes. He'll get medown among the trees an' shoot me! Don't let him take me! Save me!Fer God's sake, save me!"

  "You need not be afraid of Sconda," Glen replied, while her eyesflashed with contempt. "He is a true man, and respects me and myorders. He will not harm you, so you need not fear him. But there areothers you might well fear should they Hear of what you have doneto-day. That is all I have to say. Take him away, Sconda."

  Glen went at once into the cabin, and the coolness of the place was agreat relief to the intense heat outside. She watched from the windowas Sconda conducted Curly down along the shore of the lake until theydisappeared from view.

  In about a quarter of an hour Sconda returned. Glen met him at thedoor, and enquired anxiously about her father and Reynolds. She spokein the Indian language, and this always pleased Sconda. His facebrightened, and as he looked at the animated face before him his lipsparted in a smile.

  "The white men are safe," he told her. "They will come into camp byand by."

  "And where is Dan?" Glen enquired. "Did you see him?"

  "Ah, ah. Dan tried to shoot the white men, but Sconda was too quick.Dan now all same sleep."

  "Not dead, is he?"

  "No, no; all same sleep."

  "Unconscious, eh?"

  "Ah, ah."

  "And so you came to tell me that daddy and Mr. Reynolds are safe?"

  "Sconda ran away. Big White Chief wanted Sconda to help carry Dan intocamp. But Sconda run away fast."


  "Sconda think maybe Curly here. Sconda was right, eh?"

  "Oh, I understand," Glen replied. Her eyes were shining with gratitudeas she turned them upon the face of her valiant protector. "Youthought I might be in danger. You knew that Dan and Curly had plottedtogether, and that when Curly was not out there he must be here tryingto harm me. How can I thank you, Sconda, for what you have done for meto-day? I do not know what would have happened had you not come justwhen you did."

  "Missie Glen hold up Curly, all same man, eh?" and Sconda smiled.

  "Indeed I did. But I could not have stood it much longer, I was afraidthat I would have to shoot him."

  "Why did Missie Glen not let Sconda shoot Curly?"

  "Because it would be murder, that's why. If you had shot Curly, theMounted Police would take you away, and most likely hang you. Justthink of that."

  "But Curly bad, ugh!"

  "I know that, Sconda. But it wouldn't make any difference. You wouldbe considered a murderer, and I don't want to lose you yet. And,remember, Sconda, don't you dare to tell anyone that Curly was here."

  "Sconda no tell! Why?"

  "Because if daddy hears of it, he will be so angry that he will killCurly. You must not tell anyone, so daddy and Mr. Reynolds will knownothing about it. You will promise, won't you, Sconda?"

  With considerable reluctance Sconda agreed to keep the secret. He knewthat it was not the wisest thing to do, for he was fully convinced thatCurly should be punished. But he would do anything rather thandisplease his young mistress, for whom he had such an unboundedadmiration.

  "Missie Glen hungry, eh?" he unexpectedly asked.

  "I really don't know," Glen laughingly replied. "I have not had timeto think about it. Are you?"

  "Ah, ah; Sconda hungry."

  "Well, then, you can get dinner ready, and perhaps I shall be able toeat something, too."

  Sconda at once set to work, and in a remarkably short time he had asimple meal prepared. He served Glen first, and waited upon her untilshe had finished.

  "How long will it take the men to come back?" Glen asked as she rosefrom the table.

  "Till sundown, maybe," was the reply. "Dan is heavy and hard to carry."

  "Well, then, I am going to lie down for a while, Sconda. I did notsleep any last night, and the excitement of to-day has made me verytired. You will keep watch around the cabin, will you not?"

  "Ah, ah, Sconda will watch. Sconda will shoot Curly if he comes back."

  "Oh, I guess Curly will not come here again, especially when he knowsthat I have such a noble protector."r />
  Sconda was pleased at these words of praise, and after he had eaten hisdinner he sat and smoked contentedly before the door of the cabin. Hewas happier than he had been in many a day. He had saved the whitemen, knocked out Dan, rescued his master's daughter, and headed Curlyfor Big Draw. His only regret was that he had not been allowed toshoot Curly, and thus rid the earth of another villain.

  Glen was completely wearied out, and a few minutes after her headtouched the pillow she was fast asleep. She slept soundly for severalhours, and when she awoke the shadows of night were stealing in throughthe little window. The sound of voices in the adjoining room informedher that her father and Reynolds had returned. She also heard therattle of dishes and knew that Sconda was preparing supper. Hastilyarranging her hair, and with a final glance in the small mirror, shesoftly opened the door. Weston and Reynolds were already seated at thetable, while the lighted lamp told Glen that it was later than she hadimagined.

  "Hello!" Weston accosted, as he turned and beheld his daughter. "Youare a sound sleeper. Been sleeping all day, I suppose!"

  Reynolds had risen to his feet the instant Glen appeared, and he waiteduntil she had taken her place at the table ere he resumed his seat. Hewas pleased to see her looking so bright and animated. The color hadreturned to her cheeks, and the expression of fear had vanished fromher eyes.

  "Where is the wounded man, daddy?" Glen at once asked.

  "In the bunk out there," and Weston motioned to the kitchen. "Hedoesn't deserve all the trouble we've had to-day. My, he was a heavyload! And to think that Sconda should have run away and left us. Iwonder what came over the rascal?"

  "Is Dan seriously wounded, do you think?" Glen enquired, evading herfather's reference to Sconda.

  "No, just a scratch, which made him unconscious for a time. He'll beall right in a few days, I am sorry to say. Such a treacherouscreature is better dead than alive."

  "What will you do with him, daddy?"

  "Keep him here for a while and patch him up. I must find out why hetried to shoot us, and if there are others in the plot, I know thevillain is very revengeful, and that may have been his sole purpose forfollowing us to-day. How did Sconda know about him, Glen?"

  "He saw him hurrying along this side of the lake shortly after you haddisappeared beyond the wild meadow. I thought it best for Sconda togo."

  "And mighty fortunate you did. Why, the villain would have shot us allif Sconda hadn't been on hand."

  "Do you intend to stay here a while, daddy?"

  "Long enough to look after my patient. But you must go home, and Natsuwill go with you. Reynolds has to hurry down to Big Draw to record ourclaims."

  "And so you found the gold?" Glen eagerly asked.

  "I should say we did. Why, that cave is full of it. We shall be asrich as Croesus in a short time."

  "Oh, I am so glad," and the girl gave a sigh of relief. "When we getthe gold why cannot we leave this country, daddy, and go outside? Iwant to travel and see the world, and enjoy life. There, now, I knowyou will either scold or laugh at me. But I mean every word I say."

  "I shall do neither, dear," was the quiet reply, "so you need not fear.I have known for some time that you wish to leave this country, and Ihave given it very serious consideration. But you must wait a while,that is, for a few days at least. It all depends upon something aboutwhich I do not care to speak now, as I must have more time to think itover."

  Weston rose suddenly from the table and went into the kitchen. Glenand Reynolds looked at each other without a word. They were bothsurprised at Weston's words and the abrupt manner in which he leftthem. Moved by the same impulse, they, too, rose from the table andwent out of doors. It was a beautiful evening, and the sky beyond themountain peaks was aglow with the lingering light of departing day.The lake lay like a mirror, its borders black with the shadows of thenear-by trees.

  At the kitchen window Weston stood wrapped in thought. Forgotten wasthe man lying in the bunk, for his mind was upon the two slowly wendingtheir way to the lake. The room seemed to stifle him, so he went tothe door and stood there, silent and alone. He was fighting thehardest battle of his life, much harder, in fact, than the one he hadfought in his study the night he had first interviewed Reynolds. Heknew that he was at the parting of the ways. That Glen had given herheart to the young stranger he was certain, and he believed that shewould never be happy apart from him. They would leave the northland,and should he remain? That was the question which was now agitatinghis mind. How could he live alone without Glen's inspiring presence?There was no one to take her place, and he was getting well along inyears. He thought of her who had meant so much to him in the sweetdays of old. What agony had wrung his soul when she was taken fromhim, and how his whole life had been changed. A slight groan escapedthe lips of the unhappy man, and mechanically he reached out his handsinto the night. At once there flashed into his mind the words Glen andReynolds had sung together at Glen West:

  "'Tis a tale that is truer and older Than any the sagas tell. I loved you in life too little-- I love you in death too well."

  The sound of happy laughter from the shore fell upon his ears. Hestarted and looked down toward the shore. He could dimly see the twostanding near the water close to each other, and intuitively he knewits meaning. They had forgotten him and everything else. They weresufficient to each other, and all cares for the time had vanished.Weston knew that the old, old tale was being repeated by the shore ofthat inland lake, and that two young hearts were responding to thesweet, luring charm of that divine influence, which banishes all griefand care, and transfigures life with the halo of romance.