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Glen of the High North Page 26



  Next morning Reynolds started with Sconda for Big Draw. As he mountedhis horse in front of the cabin, Glen stood nearby, and he thought thathe had never seen her look so pretty. If any man had ever been temptedto express all that was in his mind he had been the previous evening asthey stood by the shore of the lake. He believed that Glen loved him,and he up-braided himself for not speaking and telling her of the deepfeeling of his heart. But he would return, and then he would not letsuch another opportunity pass.

  Glen stroked the horse's proudly-arching neck as he champed impatientlyat his bit.

  "Take care of your master, Pedro," she ordered, "and bring him safelyback to Glen West."

  "Then you wish me to return, eh?" Reynolds queried.

  "Why shouldn't you?" and the girl blushed. "You have to arrange aboutthat gold, you know."

  "So I have. I am glad you reminded me." They both laughed, andReynolds looked longingly into Glen's eyes. "You must promise, though,that the Indians will not drive me beyond the pass, and that yourfather will not subject me to the Ordeal."

  "I think I can answer for them," was the low reply. "You are one of usnow, and that makes a great difference. But here comes daddy; he willscold me for delaying you."

  "I wish I did not have to go," Reynolds declared. "I would much rathergo with you to Glen West. But I shall hurry back."

  "And be careful of yourself at Big Draw," the girl warned. "Curly isthere, and he hasn't any love for you."

  "Oh, I guess I shall be able to match that villain, so do not worry.Good-by; I must be off, for Sconda is getting impatient."

  Reynolds rode rapidly down the trail, turning once to wave his hand toGlen, who was watching him before the cabin door. He was very happy,for he believed that he had won the heart of the purest, sweetest, andmost beautiful girl in the whole world. He sang snatches of songs ashe rode along, and at times laughed aloud in boyish glee, much toSconda's astonishment. Life was bright and rosy to him on this finesummer morning, and the future looked most promising. He could hardlybelieve that he was the same person who had entered the country but afew weeks before, and who had travelled over that same trail withFrontier Samson. He was hoping to find the old prospector at Big Draw;who would be anxious to hear of his adventures.

  About an hour later Glen bade her father good-by. She was all ready tostart for home.

  "Don't stay here long, daddy," she pleaded. "Come as soon as you can,for I shall be lonely without you."

  "And will you really miss me?" Weston asked.

  "Certainly I shall miss you. Life is not worth living when you are notat home."

  "Not even when Reynolds is present?"

  Glen blushed furiously, and her father smiled, a sad smile, which Glenwas quick to notice. Throwing her arms impulsively about his neck, shekissed his bronzed cheek.

  "I love you dearly, daddy," she murmured. "But because I love him doesnot lessen my love for you."

  "I know it, dear, I know it," and Weston's voice was husky as he heldhis daughter close. "I am glad to know that you are happy, and I haveevery reason to believe that Reynolds is worthy of your love. Yourconfidence means very much to me. But, there, now, you had better beoff. Natsu will look well after you. I was forced to send Sconda withReynolds, as Natsu is not to be trusted at Big Draw. There are someunscrupulous fellows at the mining camp who might fill him with badwhiskey, and when he is half drunk he is liable to talk too much."

  Glen enjoyed the ride over the long crooked trail, and her spirits,which had been somewhat depressed at the parting from her father andReynolds, revived. There was nothing which thrilled and stimulated herso much as riding on Midnight through the great wilderness. Her lithe,supple body swayed in a rhythmical motion as the horse sped on his way.Riding was one of the few attractions which made the northlandtolerable, and she wondered what she would do outside to replace it.

  "I shall take you with me, old boy," she confided, as sheaffectionately patted Midnight's neck. "It would not do to leave youbehind. My, what a great time we shall have upon the level roads!"

  Then she fell to thinking about the joy of visiting different lands,and seeing strange sights. But she always associated her travels withReynolds. She pictured him by her side as they went from place toplace, eager and delighted at everything they beheld. It was certainlya pleasant dreamland in which she was living on this beautiful morning.Not a shadow dimmed her vision. All was rosy and fair, and likeanother speeding on his way to Big Draw, she was surrounded by the haloof romance.

  It was supper time when Glen at length reached home, where she at oncehanded Midnight over to Natsu, and entered the house. Nannie wasgreatly surprised to see her back so soon, accompanied only by theIndian. But a little later, as they sat down to supper, Glen relatedthe tale of experiences in the hills, omitting only her adventure withCurly.

  "And just think, Nannie!" she enthusiastically exclaimed in conclusion,"daddy is seriously thinking about leaving the north and going outside.Isn't it great?"

  "Is he, indeed?" and the elderly woman looked her surprise.

  "Oh, yes. When I spoke to him about it he said that he wished to thinkit over, and might let me know in a few days. Oh, I hope that he willdecide to go, don't you?"

  Nannie made no reply for a few minutes, but went on with her supper.

  "And what will become of me?" she at length asked.

  "Why, you must go with us, of course. You will not mind going, willyou?"

  "Not now," was the quiet reply. "I have been quite happy here becauseI had you to think about and love. But you will be leaving soon, Ifeel sure, and how could I endure this place without you? You havelittle idea how much I missed you when you were away at school."

  "Why do you think I shall be leaving soon?" Glen asked.

  "I am not altogether blind, dear," and Nannie smiled. "You know thestory of the Sleeping Beauty. Only the man who was bold enough couldwin her, and when he did venture into the enchanted place, a marvellouschange ensued. So it has happened here."

  "But I am not a sleeping beauty, Nannie," and Glen blushed, for shewell understood the meaning of her companion's words.

  "A very active beauty, I should say," and the woman looked withadmiration upon the fair face before her. "But the principle is thesame. The Prince has come, he has won your heart, and a great changehas been wrought in this place, which has affected even your father.Now, isn't that true?"

  Glen rose suddenly to her feet, and threw her arms lovingly aboutNannie's neck. There were tears in her eyes, but they were tears ofjoy.

  "You dear, dear old Nannie!" she cried. "How in the world did youlearn the secret of my heart?"

  "How could I help it?" was the laughing reply. "Your face alone wouldhave betrayed the secret, even if I had not guessed it. And the Princereally loves you, Glen. But, there, I suppose he has told you allthis."

  "Indeed he has not. He never said a word to me," was the emphaticdenial. "I don't believe he ever thought of doing so."

  Nannie merely smiled at the girl's charming candour and unaffectedsimplicity. It pleased her to know that Glen was not ashamed of herlove, and it was good to watch her bubbling over with the happiness ofher new-found joy.

  Glen spent much of the next morning upon the water in her canoe. Shevisited the places where she and Reynolds had gone that first day theyhad been together. She lived over again that happy time, marred onlyby the shot from the Golden Crest. She had almost forgotten it now,and her former anxiety had nearly vanished. She had a slight feelingof fear as to what Curly might attempt to do to Reynolds at Big Draw,but when she thought of her lover's strength she smiled confidently toherself.

  About the middle of the afternoon she decided to go down to see Klota.Telling Nannie that she would not be long, she donned her hat, and hadjust stepped out upon the verandah when she saw Sconda riding furiouslytoward the house. His horse was white with foam and pantin
g heavily.For an instant Glen's heart almost stopped beating, as she was certainthat the Indian bore some bad news. He had gone with Reynolds, andwhat would bring him back so soon and in such a manner unless somethingwas seriously wrong? All this flashed through her mind as she hurrieddown the steps just as Sconda drew rein in front of the house.

  "What is the matter, Sconda?" she demanded. "Tell me, quick."

  "White stranger in trouble," was the brief reply.

  "Where?" Glen asked, while her face turned pale.

  "At white man's camp. Curly catch him. Curly make big trouble."

  "Are you sure? Did Mr. Reynolds send you here for help?"

  "White stranger did not send Sconda. Titsla tell Sconda at foot ofCrooked Trail."

  "Oh, I see," Glen mused. "Titsla was at Big Draw with meat for theminers, and he found out that Curly was planning to harm Mr. Reynolds,eh?"

  "Ah, ah, Titsla come quick. Titsla tell Sconda."

  "And you rode fast to tell me?"

  "Sconda come like the wind. Look," and he motioned to his weary horse.

  Glen was thoroughly aroused now. She was no longer the happy,free-from-care girl who had emerged from the house a few minutesbefore, but a woman stirred to a high pitch of anger, the same as whenshe faced Curly in front of the cabin by the lake. Her father's spiritpossessed her now, and when Glen Weston's eyes flashed as they did whenshe was aware of her lover's danger, those best acquainted with herknew that she was capable of almost any deed of heroism. Of a gentle,loving disposition, and true as steel to those who were true to her,there was hidden within her something of the primitive life of thewild, which, when stirred resembled the rushing tempests of herfamiliar mountains.

  Turning to Sconda she gave a few terse orders, and when the Indian hadreceived them, he wheeled his horse and headed him for the village.Glen at once hurried back into the house, went to her own room, and ina short time reappeared, clad in her riding-suit. She met Nannie atthe foot of the stairs, and briefly explained the object of her mission.

  "But surely you are not going to Big Draw!" the woman exclaimed indismay. "What will your father say?"

  "Yes, I am going," was the decided reply. "What would daddy say if Ishirked my duty?"

  "But you are not going alone!"

  "No. I have given Sconda orders to get twenty of the best men in thevillage to accompany me. We shall go by way of Crooked Trail, andshould reach Big Draw by night. God grant we may be in time!"

  "But it isn't safe, Glen," Nannie urged. "I can trust you with theIndians, all right, but suppose something should happen to you downthere?"

  "Don't you worry, dear," the girl soothed, as she gave the woman aparting kiss. "I am quite capable of taking care of myself."

  "But where will you sleep to-night, or get anything to eat?" Thequestion showed Nannie's thoughtful, motherly concern.

  "Oh, I haven't thought about such things. Anyway, I do not carewhether I eat or sleep. Most likely the Indians will take some foodwith them, and they will share with me. There, now, I must be off.So, good-by, Nannie, dear, and do not worry about me."

  "You must take your riding-cloak, though," Nannie insisted. "It may becold to-night, and should it rain you will feel the good of it. There,that's better," she added, as she placed the garment over the girl'sshoulders. "I am afraid that your father will blame me for letting yougo."

  Glen smiled at the woman's fears as she again kissed her, and pickingup her riding-gloves, she hurried out of the house and down to thevillage. Here she found the twenty men awaiting her arrival, andSconda holding Midnight. She smiled as she saw them, and her heartwarmed as never before to these faithful natives. They were proud,too, of their young mistress, and were ready and willing to follow heranywhere, and to obey her slightest wish. They were anxious, as well,for a tilt with the miners at Big Draw, for whom they had no great love.

  In a few minutes Glen, mounted upon Midnight, was leading her littleband out of Glen West on their ride over Crooked Trail. The entirepopulation of the place was on hand to watch their departure, for wordhad speedily spread about the trouble at Big Draw. Men, women andchildren were clustered about the store, who gazed with the keenestinterest as the column of relief pulled out of the village. Glen'seyes kindled with pride and animation as she turned and waved them acheery good-by. Then she touched Midnight lightly with her whip, atwhich the noble animal leaped forward, up the trail, through the woods,across the wild meadow, and into the pass. The Indians found itdifficult to keep pace with their young mistress, for Midnight was thefleetest horse that ever trod a northern trail.

  As they advanced, however, it was necessary to travel slower, for theway was steep and rough, and it was only with considerable care thatthe horses could pick their steps. Glen became impatient at thisdelay, for the sun was swinging low beyond the far-off mountain peaks,and she realised that if night overtook them in the hills it wouldgreatly retard their progress, and perhaps make them too late inreaching Big Draw.

  As they were moving slowly down Crooked Trail, the sky suddenly becameovercast, and then black. Great, threatening clouds were massedtogether far up in the hills, and the wind began to draw down theravine. It steadily increased in strength, and in a short time a galewas upon them. Then followed the rain, which struck them just as theyreached the valley. It was one of those sudden mountain storms, thedread of the most hardened trails-man, and the utter consternation ofthe chechahco. Fortunately the wind was in the backs of thetravellers, and the trail was smoother now. Never for a moment didGlen hesitate, and Midnight responded splendidly to the occasion,inspiring with courage the horses following. The roar of the wind wasterrific, and the trees bowed like reeds beneath its onslaught. Neverhad Glen experienced such a storm on the trail, and most thankful wasshe for the riding-cloak which Nannie had placed upon her shoulders.Her hat had been torn from her head, and her hair was tossed in thewildest confusion about her face and half blinded her. It wascertainly a strange and weird sight as that slight girl led herdetermined band down that valley right through the heart of the storm.

  It was difficult now to see far ahead, and Glen had to trust entirelyto Midnight. Not once did the faithful animal stumble or exhibit theleast sign of hesitation. He seemed to realise that much was at stake,and that everything depended upon his efforts. With ears pointedstraight forward, and with head lowered, as if to guard his steps, hesurged onward, every nerve keenly alert, and his entire body quiveringwith excitement.

  For about an hour the storm beat upon them in all its fury, andnotwithstanding the riding-cloak, Glen became thoroughly soaked. Butshe never once thought of herself, for her mind was ever upon Reynolds.Would they be in time to help him? she asked herself over and overagain. She wondered what was the nature of the plot Curly hadconcocted, and whether all the miners were involved. Any danger toherself never once entered her mind, for she was so sure of the loyaltyof her dusky followers. To reach the man she loved was the one greatobject which upheld her as she rode through that howling tempest.

  At length they came to a place where the draw swerved sharply to theleft. Here the trail left the valley and circled up a small hillbehind the mining camp. The storm, following the draw as if it were afunnel, rushed roaring on its way, while the riders gaining the higherground were somewhat beyond its reach, and, turning, saw it sweepingbelow like a torrent in full spate.

  With a great sigh of relief, Glen paused for a moment on the summit,viewed the magnificent sight, and waited for her followers as theystruggled, one by one, from the grasp of the mighty monster of themountains. Then she spoke to Midnight and moved onward.

  It was quite dark now, and the opposite slope which they soon began todescend was wrapped in the shadows of the hills. But Sconda knew everystep of the way, and for the first time since leaving Glen West he tookthe lead and guided the band. Not a word was spoken as they defileddown that steep, narrow trail, and to anyone watching, they would haveappeared like spectres coming from t
he unseen world.

  Glen was nerved now to the highest pitch of excitement, for she feltthat the critical moment, whatever it might be, was not far off.Anxiously and eagerly she peered forward, and just as they had almostreached the foot of the trail, a bright light suddenly pierced thedarkness. Instantly every rider drew rein, and the horses stoppedalmost as one. All eyes were fixed, upon a blazing fire ahead, aroundwhich they could see a number of men moving. Then Glen gave a slightcry of dismay, touched Midnight sharply with her whip, and boundedforward, straight for that burning pile.