Glen of the High North Read online

Page 31



  It was Saturday night and Andrew Harmon, editor of the _Telegram_ and_Evening News_, was sitting in an easy chair in his bachelor quarters.It was a cozy room, and the pictures on the walls and the well-filledbook-shelves revealed the artistic and literary taste of the owner.The large shaded electric lamp on the table cast its soft light uponHarmon's face as he sat there with his right hand supporting his firm,clean-shaven chin. It had been a trying week, and he was very weary.He was thankful that it was Saturday night, as he would be able to restthe next day, and think over a special editorial he was planning towrite.

  Harmon was really a lonely man. Of a reserved and retiringdisposition, he had no desire for publicity. As editor of one of theleading papers in the city, he could express his views and remainunknown to most of the readers. His editorials were always writtenwith great care and thought, and they were eagerly read by friends andopponents alike. Such work had always given him considerable pleasureas he felt that he was doing his part in moulding the thought of thecommunity along true and strong lines. But to-night it all seemed oflittle avail. He had labored, but what had been the result? The onlyone upon whom he had lavished his affection had disappointed him, andwas almost a stranger to him now. Mechanically he picked up a telegramfrom the table and read it again.

  "Am leaving to-night on the _Princess May_.


  That was all. It was dated three days ago, from Skagway, Alaska.Harmon held the telegram in his hand for some time, although he was notlooking at the words. He was thinking of the sender of that message,wondering what was bringing him home. What would he do with him whenhe arrived? he asked himself. He tried to think of something thatwould satisfy Reynolds' restless spirit; that would give an outlet tohis abounding energy. He had fondly hoped that Tom would throw himselfinto newspaper work, and thus make the _Telegram_ and _Evening News_ agreater force than ever. New blood was needed on the staff, he waswell aware, and Reynolds was just the man for the work. He sighed ashe thought of the futility of his dreams, and how impossible it was tomake the young see with the eyes of age and experience.

  For some time Harmon sat there, lost in deep thought. At length hearose and prepared himself for dinner. He was about to leave the room,when a knock sounded upon the door, and in another instant Tom Reynoldsstood before him. Eagerly Harmon rushed forward, seized him by thehand, and bade him a hearty welcome.

  "Tom, Tom!" he cried. "I am delighted to see you. I had no idea theboat had arrived. Come, sit down and tell me all about yourself."

  "Just a minute," Reynolds laughingly replied. "Have you had dinneryet? No? Well, that's fortunate, as I want you to come and dine withme at the 'Pacific.'"

  "At the Pacific!" Harmon looked his surprise and disappointment. "Whydid you go there? I was expecting you here. And, besides, isn't itrather expensive?"

  "It was at one time," and again Reynolds smiled. "But I have struck itrich, so I want you to come and have a blow-out with me to-night. Youwill come, won't you? I shall feel badly if you don't. The car iswaiting."

  Harmon could not very well refuse, although he much preferred to remainwhere he was, and hear the young man's story in the quietness of hisown room. He was surprised at Reynolds' animated face and happymanner. How he had changed since he had seen him last. He couldhardly believe it possible that this was the young man who but a shorttime before had been so listless and indifferent to life.

  Little was said as the car sped onward through the city, until it atlength drew up before the big hotel. With the air of one who had thefull right of way, Reynolds at once conducted Harmon to a door on thefirst floor, which he opened and entered. It was one of a suite ofrooms, Harmon could tell at the first glance. It was luxuriouslyfurnished, and to live here for even a short time would be most costly.

  He had little time, however, to think of such things, for a curtain wassuddenly drawn aside, and Redmond and his daughter appeared. Althoughyears had somewhat changed the former, yet Harmon recognized him atonce. He stood as if rooted to the floor, so great was his surprise.What happened next he was never able to tell with any degree ofcertainty. He knew that Redmond seized him by the hand, and presentedto him his daughter. He felt that he made a fool of himself, for hiseyes grew very misty and his words became confused as he tried toexpress himself. He saw Reynolds smiling at him good-naturedly as hestared first at Redmond and then at his daughter. He longed to getaway to the quietness of his own room that he might think it all over.But there was no chance for that. He was entrapped by these friendlyplotters, and here he was forced to stay.

  "Do you remember the words I wrote?" Redmond asked. "I think you willrecall them. I said, 'I go from the busy haunts of men, far from thebustle and worry of business life. I may be found, but only he who isworthy will find me, and he who finds me, will, I trust, not lose hisreward.' That is part of my message, you remember."

  Harmon merely nodded in reply.

  "Very well, then," Redmond continued. "I have been found, and he whofound me stands there," and he motioned to Reynolds.

  "So I surmised," Harmon replied. "And gold, I suppose, is the reward?"

  "No, no," Reynolds protested. "Here is my reward," and he stepped overto Glen's side. "Where are your senses, sir?"

  "Sure, sure, what was I thinking about?" and Harmon placed his hand tohis head in perplexity. "I seem to be all upset to-night. But, my,my, what a reward! Why didn't I undertake this quest? for then thereward might have been mine."

  Redmond and Reynolds smiled, but Glen immediately stepped forward, andputting her arms about the neck of the embarrassed man, kissed him uponthe cheek.

  "There, you have your reward, sir," she announced. "And if you arewilling you may have me as a daughter. How will that do?"

  Harmon was now more confused than ever. Not since the last time hismother kissed him had a woman's lips ever touched his face. And thisgirl had really kissed him, Andrew Harmon, the staid and sober editorof the _Telegram_ and _Evening News_! What would his associates thinkand say if ever they heard of it? He thought of all this as he stoodthere abashed with the girl's twinkling eyes fixed upon him.

  "But perhaps you do not consider me a reward, sir." It was Glenspeaking, so with an effort Harmon rallied his tumultuous senses. Hemust rise to the occasion, and say something. He mopped his perspiringbrow with his handkerchief, and looked helplessly around.

  "Reward!" he gasped. "Not consider you a reward! Oh, Lord! what haveI done to merit such happiness? You as my daughter! You the fairestof the fair, the flower of womanhood, you, you----"

  "Come, come, sir," Reynolds laughingly chided, as Harmon floundered forwords. "You will make me jealous if you are not careful. But supposewe have something to eat, as I, for one, am hungry. Dinner is alreadyserved, and waiting for us. This is a part of our surprise; a privatedinner, with plates set for four."

  "It is certainly wonderful what money will do," was Harmon's comment ashe took his seat at the table at Glen's right hand. "Little did Iexpect such surprises to-night."

  "Isn't it delightful!" the girl replied. "I have heard so much aboutyou lately, and what a great man you really are, that I felt quitenervous at the thought of meeting you. But I am not one bit afraid ofyou now."

  Redmond and Reynolds laughed, and even Harmon smiled. The editor washappy and contented, and life seemed very pleasant just then. He wassatisfied to listen in silence while Reynolds related the story of hisexperiences in the north, and his great triumph in winning the onlydaughter of the dreaded ruler of Glen West.

  "It all seems to me like a fairy-tale," Harmon, remarked, when Reynoldshad finished. "To think that in so short a time you have undergonesuch wonderful adventures, discovered my old friend, and won this fairmaiden. And the gold; what of it? You will begin mining at once, ofcourse."

  "We intended to do so," Redmond replied. "But on our way here we werefortunate enough
to sell our interests to one of the largest miningconcerns in the United States for a most gratifying sum. You see,there was great excitement in that region when it was learned that goldhad been discovered. Miners literally flocked into the place, and thewilderness has been suddenly converted into a busy mining camp. Wewere offered large sums for our claims, but refused all until wereached Whitehorse. There we were met by the agent of the greatHibberdash Mining Company, and so tempting and liberal was his offer,that we sold out our entire interests. We are perfectly satisfied, aswe shall now be free from all mining worries."

  "This is really wonderful!" Harmon exclaimed. "What a write-up thatwill make for my paper. You must let me have the entire story,Redmond. And you will write it, won't you?"

  "Business as usual, I see," and Redmond smiled. "When time permits, Ishall do what I can. I expect to be very busy for the next two weeks,and after that I must go north again."

  "Go north again!" Harmon repeated. "Why, I thought you were throughwith the north forever."

  "Oh, no, not at all. I have work to do there yet. It is necessary forme to be present at the trial of that villain, Curly, and that willtake some time. Then I wish to visit Glen West, and attend to somematters there. Sconda and his wife will look well after our house, forwe plan to go there every summer for a holiday. And we shall take you,too, for I know you would enjoy the scenery."

  "That would be a great treat to me," Harmon replied. "But you willhave time to write that article before you leave, will you not?"

  The others laughed, so anxious was the editor for the welfare of hispaper.

  "I am afraid I shall not have time now," Redmond told him. "There ismuch to be done in the two weeks before the great event."

  "The great event! I do not understand."

  "Look," and Redmond drew his attention to Glen's blushing face. "Nowdo you understand?"

  "Oh, I see," and Harmon smiled. "A wedding; is that it?"

  "It seems so from all appearance, and that means a great deal of workfor us all."

  "And you will live here?" Harmon eagerly asked, turning to Glen.

  "We hope to, Mr. Harmon, providing you care to have your daughter sonear. If not, we can stay in China or Japan, and you will not betroubled with me."

  "Stay in China or Japan! What do you mean?"

  "We intend to go there on our wedding trip," Reynolds explained. "Wehave planned a tour around the world. We expect to see great sights,such as the fine art galleries of the old countries. Then when we comehome, I shall continue my painting which I have neglected too longalready."

  "Lord bless us!" and Harmon held up his hands in amazement. "This isall wonderful, and my poor old head is confused and dizzy. Goingabroad! Coming home to carry on your painting! My, what will moneynot do! So my paper must go to the wall when I am gone, all because ofyour art. Dear me!"

  "Do not feel so badly about it, sir," Reynolds soothed. "Your son anddaughter will help you out, and perhaps carry on when you are gone.But you are good for years yet, so do not worry. We shall do our bestto cheer you up."

  "And you will live here in the city?" Harmon questioned.

  "Certainly," Glen replied. "We are going to look for the nicest andcoziest place, with a garden and flowers. Nannie will be in chargeuntil we return, and keep us straight afterwards. I could not getalong very well without her. And it will be your home, too, Mr.Harmon, whenever you wish to come. I am sure that you and daddy willhave wonderful evenings together talking over old times. Oh, won't itbe great!" Glen's eyes sparkled, and her face beamed with animation.

  Harmon believed that he had never met a more charming girl. As he satin his own room late that night, and thought over the strange events ofthe evening, a picture of Glen's face was ever before his mind. Itbanished his care and weariness, and as he recalled the kiss she hadgiven him, a smile illumined his face, and for a time Andrew Harmon wasyoung again. Once more the fire of youth was kindled within him, and avision of one fair face he had known years ago stood out clear anddistinct, a face he had always cherished in his heart, the only realpassion for a noble woman he had ever known. . . .

  Two weeks later Glen and Reynolds stood upon the bow of the _Empress ofChina_ as she headed out to sea. It was early evening, and the glow ofthe departing sun shed its soft and rosy-tinted light upon the ripplingwater. They had been quietly married that afternoon in one of the citychurches, and Redmond and Harmon had accompanied them to the steamer.They did not need a clamoring crowd to bid them farewell, as they wereall-sufficient to each other. So as they stood there in the deepeningtwilight, they faced the eastern sky, all glorious with the light ofthe vanished sun.

  "How beautiful!" Reynolds murmured, for his soul was stirred at thesight, and his heart overflowing with love and happiness. "It liesright before us, does it not, sweetheart? Perhaps it is a token of thejoy that lies ahead."

  "Only in a way," and Glen gave a sigh of contentment, as her hand stolegently into his. "That light will shortly fade, and it will be darkover there. But to us the light leading us on must never fade, for thefuture must be always bright with the glory of a love that never dies."

  "You are right, darling," and Reynolds pressed her hand more firmly,and drew her closer. "No matter what happens the light of love shallalways surround us and glorify the future. Oh, what happiness is ours!How much life holds in store for us!"

  Glen's only reply was the lifting of her happy face to his and nestlingcloser to his side. And there they silently stood, lost to all aroundthem, facing with the zest of youth and love the mighty Pacific, and atthe same time the far greater and more mysterious ocean of life, withall its joys and sorrows, its seasons of tempests, and its days of calmand sunshine.